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Swaptoshi is built using the Klayr SDK, which is a toolkit for creating independent blockchains that can interoperate with each other, all using JavaScript.

In this section, some brief constraints and considerations regarding how the Klayr mainchain and Swaptoshi sidechains interact and work together will be covered.


To understand more about Klayr Interoperability, visit Official Klayr Documentation

Cross-Chain Transfer Time

Cross-Chain Transfers enable tokens to move between different blockchains, such as transferring KLY tokens from the Klayr chain to the Swaptoshi chain for swapping purposes. This functionality is supported by the Klayr SDK's interoperability features.

The time required for a cross-chain transfer is influenced by:

  1. Block Finality: The number of blocks needed for a transaction to be considered final and immutable.
  2. Cross-Chain Update (CCU): Updates sent by the relayer between interoperable chains which trigger state updates.

For the specific chains involved:

  • Klayr Chain: With a block time of 7 seconds and a block finality of approximately 80 blocks, transactions generally finalized around 9 minutes to complete.
  • Swaptoshi Chain: With a faster block time of 3 seconds and a similar finality of 80 blocks, transactions typically finalized around 4 minutes.

These durations account for the time needed for the finalized block's to be included in the CCU.


After a block is finalized, it is included in the Cross-Chain Update (CCU) by the Relayer. Therefore, the total time for a cross-chain transfer also depends on the frequency with which the Relayer sends CCUs. This process impacts how quickly the updated balance is reflected on the receiving chain.

Relayer CCU Frequency

The relayer address for connecting the Klayr mainchain and the Swaptoshi sidechain is klyof58j7a5fvs55utdnv6xmkv3b6swjmjaotbt85. This address handles sending Cross-Chain Update (CCU) commands to both chains, which requires a transaction fee.

In addition to using the pre-minted 573.64 SWX tokens as detailed in the Tokenomics, the community can also contribute tokens to the relayer address to help cover the transaction fees for submitting CCUs.


Remember, since transaction fees are sent to the Treasury, contributing tokens to the relayer address also helps fund the Treasury. For more details, please refer to the Governance section.

For the relayer, Swaptoshi schedules the Cross-Chain Updates (CCU) to be sent every 15 minutes. Consequently, cross-chain transactions, including transfers between Klayr and Swaptoshi, will be completed in about 15 minutes.


Anyone is free to become a relayer, and sends their own Cross-Chain Updates (CCU).

Relayer Inclusion Proof

As outlined in the Klayr Documentation, setting up an inclusion proof is essential for configuring the relayer node.

Below is the inclusion proof for the Swaptoshi network:


You can then insert this value into your node's config.json file under system > inclusionProofKeys as follows:

"system": {
"inclusionProofKeys": [