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As a community-driven project, Swaptoshi places its community at the core, allowing everyone to get involved and participate. This vision is realized through the governance system implemented by Swaptoshi.

This section will explain how Swaptoshi's governance works.


Since nearly every behavior is managed through the GovernableConfig, the community can adjust settings to their preferences by submitting proposals with the action type config, as outlined below.

On the pre-mainnet stage, however, community are encouraged to open an issue or open a pull request on swaptoshi-core GitHub repository.


The Swaptoshi Treasury serves as the central reserve that supports the project's growth and development.

It is controlled by the community through a DAO Proposal system, ensuring that the funds are allocated in a way that aligns with the community's interests and goals.

The treasury can be used for a variety of purposes, such as funding new initiatives, rewarding contributors, or providing liquidity to stabilize the ecosystem.


Treasury address is configured through treasuryAddress configuration.

The default value for treasury Address is klyr49epb3jdyqmnfyrz7jdc5ws3rmyuqzje4c4jb, which obtained by SHA256(b"GovernanceTreasuryAccount")[:20], as outlined on LIP-0074

Fund Source

The treasury acquires SWX and other tokens from various sources, which can be adjusted through several configurations.

  • Block Reward Tax: The treasury can deduct a percentage from each SWX block reward or mint new tokens with each block. This behavior is managed through the treasuryReward configuration. For the Swaptoshi network, it is set to deduct 10% of each SWX block reward, with no new tokens minted.
  • Swap Fee: The feeProtocol and feeProtocolPool configurations from the dex module are set to allocate 10% of each swap fee from liquidity pools to the treasury.
  • Treasury-Owned NFT Positions: Earnings from NFT positions owned by the treasury, which can be collected by sending a dex:collectTreasury transaction.
  • Community Donation: Community is welcome to contribute and donate to the treasury by sending tokens directly to the treasury address specified above.
  • Transaction Fee: The Swaptoshi network configures the feePoolAddress setting from the fee module to direct transaction fees to the treasury address specified above. This means all transaction fees will be sent to the treasury.

Please note that the fee module from Klayr SDK doesn't support GovernableConfig yet

DAO Proposal

Governance operates in a decentralized manner through proposals. Proposals capture changes, actions, or topics suggested by the community and record decisions through voting. Anyone can submit a proposal as long as it meets the required conditions and configurations.

Proposal Lifecycle

Proposals can have one of seven possible statuses: CREATED, ACTIVE, ACCEPTED, REJECTED, EXECUTED, EXECUTED_WITH_ERROR, and FAILED_QUORUM. Each status reflects the proposal's current stage in its lifecycle. As mentioned earlier, the behavior of the proposal lifecycle is influenced by several on-chain configurations, which driven by community decisions.

Proposal Created

To create a proposal, the author needs to meet the minimum balance requirements defined by both the proposalCreationMinBalance and proposalCreationDeposit configurations. Note that the author must satisfy the higher of the two amounts, not the cumulative sum.

For the Swaptoshi Network, the proposalCreationMinBalance is set to 1,000,000,000,000 Nakamoto, which is equivalent to 10,000 SWX. Furthermore, the proposalCreationDeposit is set to 100,000,000,000 Nakamoto, which is equivalent to 1000 SWX.

Once a proposal is successfully created, the deposit amount will be locked in the author's account. The handling of this deposit will be managed during the Quorum Check process.

Additionally, the proposal status will initially be CREATED and will change to ACTIVE after the number of blocks specified by the votingDelayDuration configuration has passed since proposal creation. Swaptoshi network sets votingDelayDuration to 0, meaning that a proposal becomes active immediately after it is created.


The proposalCreationMinBalance configuration can be set as a percentage of the total SWX supply rather than an exact value.

Proposal Active

Proposals with the status ACTIVE can be voted on by SWX holders for the duration specified by the voteDuration configuration since proposal created.

Swaptoshi network sets voteDuration to 806400 blocks, which is approximately 28 days.


Please note that before the voteDuration is completed, a Quorum Check will be performed as described below. Therefore, quorumDuration must be less than or equal to voteDuration.

Quorum Check

The proposal will be checked to see if it meets the quorum limit defined by quorumThreshold, using the mode specified in the quorumMode configuration, after the block period of quorumDuration has passed since proposal creation. Note that the quorum calculation is based on the number of participating tokens, not the weight of the votes.

There are three possible values for quorumMode:

  • FOR_AGAINST_ABSTAIN: Counts all votes (FOR, AGAINST, and ABSTAIN) for the threshold calculation.
  • FOR_AGAINST: Counts only FOR and AGAINST votes for the threshold calculation.
  • FOR: Counts only FOR votes for the threshold calculation.

Swaptoshi network sets quorumThreshold to 5%, with a quorumMode of FOR_AGAINST_ABSTAIN, and a quorumDuration of 806400 blocks (the same as voteDuration).

If the proposal does not meet the specified quorum, its status will change to FAILED_QUORUM, and the author's deposit from the proposal creation process will be transferred to the Treasury address.

Proposal Decision

Proposals that remain in the ACTIVE status after the voteDuration will have their vote weights assessed to determine the final outcomes.

If a proposal is not accepted, its status will be set to REJECTED. Accepted proposals will have the status ACCEPTED and will await execution for a duration specified by the executionDuration block, starting from the time the proposal was created.

Swaptoshi networks sets executionDuration of 806400 blocks (the same as voteDuration).


Since voteDuration, quorumDuration, and executionDuration are the same on the Swaptoshi network, it means that a Swaptoshi's proposal will undergo quorum check, decide its outcome, and execute at the same block height.


When calculating vote weight and determining proposal acceptance, boosting and/or turnout bias may be applied as described below.

Proposal Execution

Proposals with the status ACCEPTED that have also passed the executionDuration will be executed. Each action item outlined in the proposal will be carried out accordingly.

Successful execution will change the proposal status to EXECUTED, while failed execution will change it to EXECUTED_WITH_ERROR.


An execution error might occur, for example, if a funding proposal is executed with insufficient treasury balance.


If an error occurs, the proposal cannot be re-executed; a new proposal must be submitted instead.

Proposal Actions

Swaptoshi features an action system for proposals, allowing a single proposal to include multiple actions. This enables the community to propose various changes or allocate funds to multiple accounts simultaneously, accommodating interconnected needs.

There are two types of proposal actions: funding and config. Additionally, author can propose a non-actionable proposal with no actions, which serves to gather community insights.

The maximum number of actions per proposal is controlled by the maxProposalActions configuration. Swaptoshi network sets this value to -1, which indicates no action limit.


A maxProposalActions value of 1 means governance will enforce single-action proposals, similar to the LIP-0074 implementation.


This proposal action suggests allocating funds from the treasury to a specific recipient address. The token used for funding can be any token, as long as its owned by the Treasury.

The required payload is:

export interface FundingActionPayload {
tokenId: Buffer;
receivingAddress: Buffer;
fundingAmount: bigint;


This proposal action suggests modifying the on-chain governable configuration of a specific module. The module must implement BaseGovernableConfig and be registered as GovernableConfig through the governance module.

The required payload is:

export interface ConfigActionPayload {
moduleName: string;
paramPath: string;
value: Buffer;

The paramPath can be . to apply changes to all configurations, or a specific path to target a particular configuration (for example treasuryReward.blockRewardTaxBracket of governance module config). Additionally, the value provided must be encoded using klayr-codec.


Voting is a key part of Swaptoshi's governance, allowing community members to influence the project's direction. Votes can be cast as FOR, AGAINST, or ABSTAIN.

To gain voting power, SWX token holders must stake their tokens in the PoS consensus mechanism.

Additionally, several mechanisms can affect voting and decision-making, which will be detailed below.

Boosted Vote

Boosted voting lets participants enhance their voting power by locking their tokens for extended periods. A longer lock-up increases voting power, encouraging long-term commitment and ensuring decisions reflect the interests of dedicated community members.

The boosted multiplier is applied to the base vote weight and depends on the maxBoostDuration and boostFactor configurations.

The boost multiplier can be calculated using the following formula:

BoostMultiplier=1+max(0,targetHeightvoteEndHeightmaxBoostDuration)×max(0,boostFactor1001)\text{BoostMultiplier} = 1 + \max \left( 0, \frac{\text{targetHeight} - \text{voteEndHeight}}{\text{maxBoostDuration}} \right) \times \max \left(0, \frac{\text{boostFactor}}{100} - 1 \right)

Swaptoshi network sets maxBoostDuration to 20736000 (approximately 2 years), and boostFactor to 200, meaning the vote weight can be boosted up to 200%.


Boosting is considered an experimental feature, so the governance module has enableBoosting set to false by default. Swaptoshi sets this configuration to true, but it can be adjusted later by community decision via a config proposal.

Turnout Bias

Turnout bias is a dependency designed to prevent low participation from disproportionately affecting governance outcomes.

The governance module uses the following turnout bias scheme: a proposal is accepted if

forCounttotalTokenSupply>againstCounttotalTokenVoted\frac{\text{forCount}}{\sqrt{\text{totalTokenSupply}}} > \frac{\text{againstCount}}{\sqrt{\text{totalTokenVoted}}}

Here is an overview of approval values required to accept a proposal for certain values of turnout, measured in percentage of electorate.

Turnout, % of totalTokenSupplyApproval needed to accept

Since Turnout Bias is inspired by LIP-0074, it is highly recommended to also review that draft for a detailed understanding.


Same as boosting, turnout bias is also considered an experimental feature, so the governance module has enableTurnoutBias set to false by default. Swaptoshi sets this configuration to true, but it can be adjusted later by community decision via a config proposal.